Market Mastery: How a Gas Seller Excels Despite the Price Gap

Market Mastery: How a Gas Seller Excels Despite the Price Gap

Are you a small business owner or a gas seller, this market mastery on how a gas seller excels despite the price gap will assist you in scaling and acquiring more customers for your business.

Last night, I went to buy gas at one of the gas stations in my area. I noticed that the price was higher than what another gas seller was selling so I asked him, why is your gas more expensive than the other gas sellers?

He said mine is more expensive because of where I buy my gas. Secondly, the other gas station is a major distributor and I cannot reduce my price otherwise, I will be out of business.

So, how do you market your gas knowing fully well that yours is more expensive?

Here are the 4 marketing strategies a Gas Seller Excels Despite the Price Gap

Work Hours

The gas seller studied the working hours of the competitors and he came out with a working hours that could help him stay ahead of the competitors.

He opens very early in the money before the competitors. Those whose gas is finished in the middle of the night can come and buy. He also closes late because of those who will return late at night.

This strategy has helped him to get customers who return late at night 

and those who want to get gas early in the morning.


He offers incentives from time to time. Sometimes, he will add an extra kg or give customers a sachet of tomatoes etc. So, think about the kind of incentive you would give your customers or attract new customers.

Home Delivery

The competitors do not offer home delivery so he does that. They are people who may be too busy or lazy to come out and buy gas. The home delivery services help him get more customers. This is what the competitors are not doing. Even if they are doing it, you can still use speed on delivery as a strategy.  


He said; let your 1kg be 1kg. He is honest. When people know that your gas lasts and the KG they paid for is what they get, they will stick with you.

Hope you learn one or two from this gas seller on how to remain competitive when there is a price difference.

If this was helpful, let me know in the comment section below.

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